Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last Venezuela Post

Well looks like I am out of here in less than two days. Papers are done and over, and looks like I am here to wait out my time, so I might as well reflect on my time here in Venezuela. Needless to say, this trip has been easily the most life changing thing i have ever done. From my own experience and from others experiences, all programs are the same way. Where else can you be thrown on your own and survive all on your own. I came into this trip not knowing anyone here and have come out with some amazing friendships. I have learned to be open to all people, throw away the stereotypes because they are just not worth it. Even if some people might get a little under your skin, its not worth getting into it or throwing them out to the curb. Also i have learned to use the time you have to your advantage. You may think you have so much time somewhere but it can go so fast, so take advantage to every minute you are given. Also, just because you afraid or unsure of something, as the famous nike logo says, just do it. There have countless things here where i have gone into them(canyoning, ziplining, moutain trek, or simply trying out a new bar) where i was aprehensive about, but turned out to be some of the greatest decisions i have made.
Another thing is to keep your integrity in tact. Mine has been tested here countless times and its the decisions you make in those types of situations where your integrity is truly measured. Stand up and take a stand if something is not right. One of the most important lessons i have learned is to not care if something is not right on plan. The Venezuelan method here is to usually never go with the plan. At first i couldnt take this. I am used to my ridiculously structured life in the states, and if something doesnt go to plan, i would get a little upset. After time here though, i learned that sometimes the best times where just winging somthing or just being spontaneous and figuring out something to do. Also, i mentioned this in an earlier post but, just dance. Who cares if you are bad or look like an idiot. Have fun and let loose.
Well, thats it from this country. But there will be more to come. The travel bug has made its way into me. I have already grow to love South America and will be back. But anyways, for the next three weeks I am headed to Ecuador and Peru. Will try to blog there if i can.

1 comment:

  1. Great post dan---this is what I like to read the most--your self expression and presonal evaluation of your experience in is amazing how ones life can change with travel--it is humbling and makes one look at the multiple perspectives that control the lives of others..I felt that way just traveling to mexico for two weeks--I can't imagine what it would be like in your shoes...I can sense that the trip was exciting and you gained a large glimpse into the reality of a venuzuelan lifestyle...that is such a huge area of understanding that will help you grow as a person and as a professional in what ever you chose to do. Good luck, and safe travels to you my brother! See you soon and can't wait to see you, grab a drink, and hear some amazing stories!
